
Choose your preferred layout


Menu comes in two modes: dark & light

Top Nav

Choose your liked color mode

Scrollable Header
brand brand


Basic Progress

Basic progress in diffrent color backgrounds. Add .bg-* modifier class to change the color. Use Bootstrap width utilities for setting the width of a progress bar.

Rounded Progress

Create rounded progress using .progress .progress-bar-rounded class.

Striped Progress

Add .progress-bar-striped to any .progress-bar to apply a stripe via CSS gradient over the progress bar’s background color. Add .progress-bar-animated to .progress-bar to animate the stripes right to left via CSS3 animations.

Progress sizes

Size whatever you want just add .progress-xs, sm, md, lg, xl or you can just add height utility classes.

Size extra small
Size small
Size medium
Size large
Size extra large
Progress with labels

Add labels on top of your progress bars by placing text within the .progress-label inside .progress-lb-wrap and for label left add class .lb-side-left with .progress-wrap .

Labels on top
Labels on left
Labels inside

Add labels to your progress bars by placing text within the .progress-bar.

Multiple Bars

Include multiple progress bars in a progress component if you need.