
Hencework Inc
4747, Pearl Street Rainy Day Drive, Washington

Invoice / Receipt

Date:Nov 17,2017 11:23 AM Invoice / Receipt #21321434 Customer #321434

billing to
Supersonic Co.
Sycamore Street San Antonio Valley, CA 34668 ABC:325487
Payment info Scott L Thompson MasterCard#########1234 Customer #324148 amount due $22,010

Items Number Unit Cost Amount
Design Service 2 $1500 $3000
Website Development 1 $7500 $7500
Social Media Services 15 $180 $9000
Subtotals $19,500
Tax $3510
Discount $1000
total $22,010
sign Digital Signature

  • A buyer must settle his or her account within 30 days of the date listed on the invoice.
  • The conditions under which a seller will complete a sale. Typically, these terms specify the period allowed to a buyer to pay off the amount due.